Shaking Moss Pot

Shaking Moss Pot, Great Knoutberry Hill and Garsdale
Area: Great Knoutberry Hill and Garsdale
Grade: 1
NGR: SD79388858
Lat/long: 54.2924, -2.31827
Elevation: 577m
Length: Unknown
Depth: 16m
Rock Type: Great Limestone


  • Explored 1966 KCC


Publication Title Club Author
Journal of the KCC, volume 5, number 3, page 9 (1966) Notes on the Pots Sinks and Caves of North East flank of Widdale Fell KCC J.M.Taylor


Journal of the KCC, volume 5, number 3, page 9 (1966)

Title: Notes on the Pots Sinks and Caves of North East flank of Widdale Fell

Club: KCC

Author: J.M.Taylor