Levitation Pot

Levitation Pot, West Kingsdale
Area: West Kingsdale
Grade: 2
NGR: SD70577903
Lat/long: 54.2062, -2.45268
Elevation: 308m
Length: 27 m
Depth: 11m
Rock Type: Great Scar Limestone


The whole system is a boulder choke of dubious stability.


Braida Garth.


  • Explored 1981-83 ULSA


Publication Title Club Author
ULSA Review, number 16, page 2 (1986) Digs, Dives and Discoveries ULSA Anon.
ULSA Review, number 16, page 34-36 (1986) Levitation, Pot ULSA Clarke, N.
ULSA Explorations Journal II, page 115 (August 1989) Section 11, Kingsdale, Levitation Pot ULSA Monico, P.


ULSA Review, number 16, page 2 (1986)

Title: Digs, Dives and Discoveries

Club: ULSA

Author: Anon.

ULSA Review, number 16, page 34-36 (1986)

Title: Levitation, Pot

Club: ULSA

Author: Clarke, N.

ULSA Explorations Journal II, page 115 (August 1989)

Title: Section 11, Kingsdale, Levitation Pot

Club: ULSA

Author: Monico, P.